Werth IT values its people. We help them continue to excel by offering assistance and support in furthering their professional education and development. We want our staff to acquire new skills and advance their career with both structured courses and on-the-job training.
The modern business world is reliant upon computers; the thought of even a temporary inability to access information technology can cause stress, let alone the possibility of extended downtimes, theft of information, and possible permanent loss of data due to cybercrime.
Developing and maintaining effective and efficient business processes in the ever-evolving financial institution work environment can be challenging. The introduction of new software and new products, exploring the potential of and entering new markets, can all have an effect on a business and result in operational inefficiencies and an increase in TCO.
What is quality? How is it obtained? Too often, quality is left under-defined within the scope of a project.
Are you testing your firm's software platforms and products on a regular basis? You should be. Rigorous testing is a necessary part of the financial product lifecycle.
What is the role of the business analyst in today’s Scrum environments? Is there still room at the table for them?
Werth IT uses agile methodologies and in particular, Scrum, for much of our client work. We find Scrum works well in fostering strong collaboration between our staff and our client’s staff. Scrum saves our clients time and money while increasing client staff productivity. In the fast-paced, constantly-evolving world of finance, Scrum allows us to bring project to successful completion faster.
MiFID II will have significant impact on how financial firms and banks do business, from offerings and products, to governing and reporting. Smart businesses will take advantage of the extra months due to the recent postponement and push ahead with their own transition development plans.